Smart Shutdown is a tiny application that could be concealed as the swiss-army knife of the Windows Shutdown operation. With Smart Shutdown you can do really a lot of things.
First, it sits onto your system tray, and when left-click on it, a message box popups asking for shutdown the PC (message text and time configurable). So, you can shutdown your PC faster than entering to Start Menu.
Next, you can choose from a list of actions like turnoff, reboot, logoff, lock user, hibernate, hang the Internet connection and more. After selecting the action, you can set a timer for that action (after some period, say 15 minutes, or at a specific time, selecting optionally if you want to repeat it every day), so that's another interesting feature.
Something similar you can set as a third major feature: what to do after a specific period of inactivity. That could be useful too!
Think about turn off your PC in 10 minutes and leaving the room, or popup a message saying "your tea water is ready"...possibilities are endless!